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#123 Up ↑ /0 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-04-28 20:14 GMT
[21:12] * orudge back in a bit
[21:12] <jonty-comp> orudge is going for a poo, don't you know.
[21:12] <Born_Acorn> A solid waz.
[21:12] <@orudge> no
[21:12] <Vemarkis> You crazy britons, talking about poo all the time.
[21:12] <@orudge> a waz is quite liquid
[21:12] <@orudge> YOU FOOL.
[21:13] <@orudge> BUT THEN IT'S NOT A WAZ
[21:13] <@orudge> you wazzock
[21:13] <@orudge> :D
[21:13] <Born_Acorn> IT IS
[21:13] * orudge toodles off, really
[21:13] <Born_Acorn> ORIFICES
[21:13] <Born_Acorn> NOT OFFICES
[21:13] <Born_Acorn> ORIFICES
[21:13] <Born_Acorn> There. -
#122 Up ↑ /1 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-04-27 13:01 GMT
<petern> dihedral ru ok der?
<dihedral> yä-a ei sink so
<petern> fink
<dihedral> we are sinking! we are sinking!
<petern> u wud of knew it
<dihedral> ei häw know eidia wut u r taaking abaut
<petern> u r makin words up
<dihedral> NEIN
<TrueBrain> sweinhund -
#120 Up ↑ /3 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-04-12 22:57 GMT
welshdragon: gaaah, Vermin internet has died a death again
[11:50p] You left the chat by being disconnected from the server.
[11:50p] You rejoined the room.
[11:51p] SHRIKEE left the chat room. (Quit: SHRIKEE)
[11:51p] welshdragon: luckily for you twonks i have a bouncer, so can slip away unnoticed
[11:53p] welshdragon: orudge: damn you qdb'd that man milk quote fast
[11:53p] welshdragon: are you that quick in bed?
[11:55p] welshdragon: hello?
[11:55p] You left the chat by being disconnected from the server. -
#119 Up ↑ /2 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-04-12 22:50 GMT
[23:48:00] <Andel> I'd offer Anna but I don't think you'd be her dream sleep companion
[23:48:11] <Andel> for the reason of - you don't produce milk.
[23:48:37] * Ameecher produces man milk
[23:48:41] <Ameecher> oh god that's wrong
[23:48:42] <Andel> you're disgusting -
#117 Up ↑ /5 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-04-05 23:30 GMT
Ameecher: oh balls
Ameecher: turn off the laptop for installation of drivers to take effect and it won't restart
Ameecher: it's dead!
shinaku: Sounds like a buffer overrun the UXL, happens from time to time when you install kernel based modular device driver sub systems
shinaku: I'm assuming this is XP or Vista, yeah?
Ameecher: XP yes
• shinaku nods
Ameecher: and the way round this is?
shinaku: What you want to do is hold it upside down and shake it SOFTLY
Ameecher: you're shitting me
shinaku: the problem is that most laptops have power saving shit
shinaku: which hold drivers in ram
shinaku: if you shake it softly you'll disconnect/reconnect a pin or two on the ram
shinaku: which will cause it to do an error check
Ameecher: holy cow
Ameecher: that actually worked
shinaku: :]
Ameecher: crikey :D
Ameecher: cheers!
shinaku: np
Ameecher: excellent all now works! :D -
#116 Up ↑ /2 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-03-27 17:58 GMT
[5:32p] orudge: I fancy dinner
[5:32p] orudge: therefore, I am not Michael Winner
[5:32p] orudge: hmm
[5:32p] orudge: should go via Tesco first
[5:32p] welshdragon: orudge: you ruined that rhyme
[5:32p] jonty-comp: Calm down dear, it's only Tesco
[5:33p] orudge: you're only Tesco
[5:35p] welshdragon: 'i fancy dinner, therefore, i am not Michael Winner, i will hop in my car, but not to go far, for my supermarket is not Haymarket, it's Tesco, not al fresco'
[5:36p] welshdragon: (yes, i did just think that up)