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#272 Up ↑ /0 Down ↓ [Report ] 2011-11-20 18:19 GMT
[14:51:30] <orudge> hmm, my home dir is now just 438GB
[14:51:36] <SpComb> :o
[14:51:43] <orudge> or 313GB when you exclude the backups-nobackup directory
[15:05:23] <Fawksie> a clearly and sensibly named directory
[15:08:40] <Sacro> less suspect than kalling it 'porn'
[15:09:01] <GoneWacko> why wouldn't you backup your porn?
[15:09:14] <SpComb> you can always just re-film it -
#271 Up ↑ /1 Down ↓ [Flagged ] 2011-11-20 18:15 GMT
[18:53] <GoneWacko> hrrrrr
[18:53] <GoneWacko> ordered some New York Pizza 70 minutes ago
[18:53] <GoneWacko> still not here
[18:53] <GoneWacko> I demand a free bottle of coke
[18:53] <orudge> well, that was silly
[18:53] <orudge> it'll take at least 7 hours to get to you from New York
[18:55] <lobster> orudge has a good point there
[18:55] <lobster> you should've ordered from Ciao Italia
[18:55] <lobster> the high-speed train shouldn't take more than a couple of hours
[18:56] <lobster> pizza might still be lukewarm
[18:56] <GoneWacko> well then they shouldn't send e-mails telling me the pizza should be there in 30-45 minutes
[18:56] <lobster> was the email also saying that you should pay a 1000 euros so a rich African sheik or prince can put his fortune on your bank account? -
#262 Up ↑ /0 Down ↓ [Report ] 2011-08-23 16:45 GMT
[17:44:35] <orudge> Bukkit: say I love you, Tenebrae`!
[17:44:37] <orudge> D:
[17:44:41] <Tenebrae`> D:
[17:44:45] <Tenebrae`> ;_;
[17:44:45] <Fawksie> haha
[17:44:49] <Tenebrae`> That must be the worst rejection ever -
#261 Up ↑ /1 Down ↓ [Report ] 2011-08-22 21:17 GMT
<weirdy> Bukkit: literal[*] weirdy
* +Bukkit (~bucket@borealis.jontysewell.net) Quit (Quit: Eep, the house is on fire!)
<weirdy> uhhhh -
#258 Up ↑ /0 Down ↓ [Report ] 2011-05-18 03:55 GMT
04:50 <Tenebrae`> LaSeandre, LaSeandre
04:50 <Tenebrae`> I wrote a song
04:50 <Tenebrae`> ready?
04:50 <Tenebrae`> Cuuute leetol kitteeeens
04:50 <Tenebrae`> wearing their mitteeeens
04:51 <Tenebrae`> cuute leetol kitteeens wearing their leetol boxing miitteeeens
04:51 <Tenebrae`> Cuuute leetol kitteeeens
04:51 <Tenebrae`> walking down the streeeet
04:51 <Tenebrae`> passing by meeeee
04:51 <Tenebrae`> they say
04:51 <Tenebrae`> punk ass bitch I'll beatcho right now punk ass hoe
04:51 <Tenebrae`> cuuute leetol kitteeeens
04:51 <Tenebrae`> wearing their mitteeeeens
04:51 <Tenebrae`> cuuute leetol kitteens beating me with their
04:51 <Tenebrae`> booooxiiiiing
04:51 <Tenebrae`> miiteeeeens \o/
04:52 <Tenebrae`> what do you think?