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#223 Up ↑ /0 Down ↓ [Report ] 2010-06-26 19:41 GMT
* Illegal_Alien has quit ()
* Illegal_Alien ( has joined #openttd
* Illegal_Alien is now known as Guest1237
* IA_Laptop is now known as Illegal_Alien
* Illegal_Alien is now known as Guest1238
* Guest1237 is now known as Illegal_Alien
* Guest1238 is now known as IA_Laptop
<Rubidium> looks like someone tried to evade the American police
<Eoin> xD -
#215 Up ↑ /0 Down ↓ [Report ] 2010-06-02 02:51 GMT
* Tenebrae yawns
* PeterT goes to bed
* Bukkit hops in with PeterT
* PeterT pushes the Bukkit on the floor
<PeterT> get 'cha own bed!
<Tenebrae> :(
<PeterT> wha?
* Tenebrae goes to bed
* Bukkit hops in with Tenebrae
* Tenebrae hugs Bukkit
<Bukkit> Get the hell off my lawn.
<Tenebrae> :<
<Bukkit> :<
<PeterT> mah bed's not nearly big enough to fit Bukkit too :-(
<Tenebrae> mine is! -
#209 Up ↑ /0 Down ↓ [Report ] 2010-05-25 18:09 GMT
* Sacro ponders about going to the US
<orudge_> the US is a big place!
<LaSeandre> dont
<Sacro> :(
<orudge_> whereabouts in the US do you want to go?
<orudge_> the US is awesome
<Sacro> 19:00 < Sacro> Texas GP
<Sacro> 19:00 * Sacro ponders about going to the US
<orudge_> so, you want to go to Ohio, then?
<LaSeandre> its full of inbred hicks.
<Sacro> ... no
<orudge_> *it's
<+Prof_Frink> :/
<Sacro> LaSeandre: so is Lincolnshire
<Sacro> but sometimes needs must
<orudge_> well
<+Prof_Frink> What's the difference between yoghurt and Texas?
<orudge_> coming from Hull, I doubt Sacro woudl notice much difference
<orudge_> *would
<orudge_> except the steaks are bigger
<orudge_> and the burgers cheaper
<+Prof_Frink> Yoghurt has culture.