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#257 Up ↑ /4 Down ↓ [Report ] 2011-04-27 14:06 GMT
<GoneWacko> (I would posit that my friends ARE nerds, but I guess Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec leo lacus, dignissim id fermentum sed, eleifend at nunc. Cras convallis leo in leo suscipit suscipit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas at nisi velit. Donec id enim lacus. Vestibulum ullamcorper turpis et metus gravida sit amet condimentum ligula lacinia. Curabitur nisl
<GoneWacko> woops -
#230 Up ↑ /4 Down ↓ [Report ] 2010-07-14 02:25 GMT
<RPharazon> Botsnack.
<Bukkit> :D <-- PUT PIE HERE
<RPharazon> :D
* RPharazon puts pie in the Bukkit's anus
* Bukkit drops peter1138 and takes pie.
<RPharazon> what
<LaSeandre> apt.
<LaSeandre> very apt.
<RPharazon> Did he just add the anus-pie in his inventory?
<LaSeandre> yes.
* Bukkit nods happily
<RPharazon> Goddamn. -
#42 Up ↑ /4 Down ↓ [Report ] 2008-09-05 11:01 GMT
<jonty-comp> Install faster dammit!
<jonty-comp> It's still on the first bar ._.
<jonty-comp> installing help files in many languages I don't give a crap about
<Doorslammer> :D
<Doorslammer> New RUSSIAN! CD cleaner
<Doorslammer> Cleans in seconds, look at the sparkle!
<Doorslammer> Quit Stalin, get cleanin'! -
#130 Up ↑ /5 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-07-13 23:51 GMT
00:44:12 < Eoin> but sadly i cant draw
00:44:13 < Eoin> for crap
00:44:19 <+Andel> you might need to take ownership of some folders though
00:44:30 <+Andel> Eoin: you might wanna start with the basics
00:44:33 <+Andel> and then go from there
00:44:41 < Eoin> the basics being?
00:47:15 < Eoin> Andel what basics
00:47:31 <+Andel> Learn to fucking draw. -
#117 Up ↑ /5 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-04-05 23:30 GMT
Ameecher: oh balls
Ameecher: turn off the laptop for installation of drivers to take effect and it won't restart
Ameecher: it's dead!
shinaku: Sounds like a buffer overrun the UXL, happens from time to time when you install kernel based modular device driver sub systems
shinaku: I'm assuming this is XP or Vista, yeah?
Ameecher: XP yes
• shinaku nods
Ameecher: and the way round this is?
shinaku: What you want to do is hold it upside down and shake it SOFTLY
Ameecher: you're shitting me
shinaku: the problem is that most laptops have power saving shit
shinaku: which hold drivers in ram
shinaku: if you shake it softly you'll disconnect/reconnect a pin or two on the ram
shinaku: which will cause it to do an error check
Ameecher: holy cow
Ameecher: that actually worked
shinaku: :]
Ameecher: crikey :D
Ameecher: cheers!
shinaku: np
Ameecher: excellent all now works! :D