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#212 Up ↑ /1 Down ↓ [Report ] 2010-05-29 22:14 GMT
<TrueBrain> @kick Eoin talking in capitals all the time is annoying, at least
* DorpsGek has kicked Eoin from #openttd (talking in capitals all the time is annoying, at least)
* Eoin ( has joined #openttd
<TrueBrain> @kban Eoin 3600 talking in capitals all the time is annoying, at least (no-auto-return)
* DorpsGek sets ban on *!
* DorpsGek has kicked Eoin from #openttd (talking in capitals all the time is annoying, at least (no-auto-return)) -
#211 Up ↑ /1 Down ↓ [Report ] 2010-05-29 22:13 GMT
<Eddi|zuHause> would you quit that damn on-topic talk?!? you're disturbing the discussion ;)
* ^Spike^ ( has joined #openttd
<TrueBrain> @mode +m
* DorpsGek sets mode +m #openttd
* DorpsGek gives channel operator status to TrueBrain
<TrueBrain> solves that issue
<TrueBrain> damn, I am in one mean mood :p
<TrueBrain> @mode -m
* DorpsGek sets mode -m #openttd
<OwenS> rofl
<PeterT> lol
* Rubidium has changed the topic to: ESC
<Rubidium> so, now we can talk off-topic about OpenTTD again! :) -
#201 Up ↑ /1 Down ↓ [Report ] 2010-05-14 01:16 GMT
<orudge> It's pootime!
<PeterT> you don't need to annouce that, orudge
<RPharazon> Yes he does!
<RPharazon> It's a law of #tycoonexiles.
<RPharazon> You must call your poops.
<orudge> It shall be epic.
<PeterT> Oh, lord.
<orudge> I'd tweet about it from my iPhone, but, well, that's a bit much.
#155 Up ↑ /1 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-09-27 19:14 GMT
20:59 * Sacro tries to locate Shirley Station
21:05 * XeryusTC tries to locate Sacro
21:05 * Sacro waves
21:05 < XeryusTC> or rather, Sacro's private parts ;)
21:06 < XeryusTC> very hard to find indeed
21:10 < Sacro> :(
21:10 < Sacro> not what your mum said
21:10 < Sacro> well, she did find them very hard -
#122 Up ↑ /1 Down ↓ [Report ] 2009-04-27 13:01 GMT
<petern> dihedral ru ok der?
<dihedral> yä-a ei sink so
<petern> fink
<dihedral> we are sinking! we are sinking!
<petern> u wud of knew it
<dihedral> ei häw know eidia wut u r taaking abaut
<petern> u r makin words up
<dihedral> NEIN
<TrueBrain> sweinhund